Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It is all relative

Luke: I can't believe it.
Yoda: THAT is why you fail.
-Star Wars episode 5

There is sooo much in my brain, and so many blogs to write on....and not enough time.

In the immortal words of my little sister- "I am busier than a one-legged [Megan] in a butt-kicking contest.

and I am loathe to say "butt"...ever. Free-speech enthusiast that I am...I frown at vulgar language...vulgar as in common...the original word for vulgar.

Anyway, so I don't have time to put my more interesting thoughts on paper...or anything else for that matter.
I find that business isn't really a matter of how much stuff one has to do, but a matter of how much stuff your brain (not even your exhausted body, but your BRAIN) can handle. I have done twice as much as this, with half as much sleep, and felt fine. I have also done half as much as this, with daily breakdowns and eight-hour naps.
So, really, it's all a war of the brain. That's the hardest war because you are fighting against yourself...and let's face it...when you fight yourself you have quite literally met your match.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Plan for Tech Lesson

I plan to use the smartboard to teach a lesson on removing clutter from writing, by having student's remove unnecessary sentences from a written paragraph, by being able to cross them out and erase them.


What I learned from the Inventory.

While doing the technology inventory I discovered a few things. First, I discovered that my classroom has and uses a LOT of technology, but it's not always the most prominent technology in the room. The teacher and students use the microphone system all of the time, and the C.D. player is used at least once a day. The elmo and the overhead projector are also used often. The most prominent piece of technology in the classroom, however, is the smartboard, which is conspicuously positioned at the very front and center of the room-I've seen the smart-board used in three lessons in the entire three weeks...on of those times was by a practicum student.

I've seen now, that maybe, just maybe, it's not so much about how much, but how you use it. I find that I can usually do the same thing with a projector screen adn a white board, that I've seen the teacher do with the smart board. However, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to use a smartboard to say, scour celestia, google earth tours, and other online resources if I can.


Monday, March 9, 2009

River Civilizations of the Ancient World!

Behold....the link of wonder!