Monday, April 13, 2009

Internet Safety

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
"Fighting Internet Filth"
Mario Hipol, Ensign, Aug. 2005, 54–57

You don't have to be a computer expert to help protect your family when they're on the Web.

2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings? I learned that there are ways to fix things...and that it seems like the most important thing is communication. I also learned that many youths understand their own safety.

3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth? It will make me more communicative...and a little more trusting of older students.

4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends? You can be aware and noticing when things are wrong.

1. Find out what the youth or parent knows about one of the internet safety topics you have learned about. Many youths I know understand that they, having grown up in this cyber-world, know what the dangers are.

2. Share with the youth or parents what you have learned about the topic and share at least one resource you found with him/her on the topic. Check.
3. In your PLE, describe:

* who you talked with (no names are needed - just a brief description of age)
My little sister (Age 17)
* what you shared and how it went (was it positive? negative? hard? easy? valuable or not?) Since i am close to my sister, and we generally have the same sensabilities, it was not at all difficult to communicate this to her. She didn't make a facebok page until senior year, and is aware of keeping it professional and classy. She is aware that the internet is being widely used in schools, and that this is a great opportunity to learn about things at a faster pace.


Monday, April 6, 2009

What I did.

So, for my technology enhanced lesson I used an elmo and a powerpoint presentation to teach a lesson on "removing clutter from your writing" to my third grade class.

I used the powerpoint to first, model the process of going through a paragraph and getting rid of the clutter.
I projected the text on the whiteboard, and as I ran into text that was not essential, I crossed it out, right on the whiteboard.
Then I showed what the completed paragraph would look like on the next slide.

The class and I then went through the process together, going sentence by sentence and deciding what to keep and what to get rid of.
I then had the students rewrite the new paragraph on their own sheets of paper.

Finally I had students write paragraphs of their own, have a friend edit them, and rewrite the new paragraphs.

I showed them examples on the elmo, pointing out the important elements of the assignement.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It is all relative

Luke: I can't believe it.
Yoda: THAT is why you fail.
-Star Wars episode 5

There is sooo much in my brain, and so many blogs to write on....and not enough time.

In the immortal words of my little sister- "I am busier than a one-legged [Megan] in a butt-kicking contest.

and I am loathe to say "butt"...ever. Free-speech enthusiast that I am...I frown at vulgar language...vulgar as in common...the original word for vulgar.

Anyway, so I don't have time to put my more interesting thoughts on paper...or anything else for that matter.
I find that business isn't really a matter of how much stuff one has to do, but a matter of how much stuff your brain (not even your exhausted body, but your BRAIN) can handle. I have done twice as much as this, with half as much sleep, and felt fine. I have also done half as much as this, with daily breakdowns and eight-hour naps.
So, really, it's all a war of the brain. That's the hardest war because you are fighting against yourself...and let's face it...when you fight yourself you have quite literally met your match.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Plan for Tech Lesson

I plan to use the smartboard to teach a lesson on removing clutter from writing, by having student's remove unnecessary sentences from a written paragraph, by being able to cross them out and erase them.


What I learned from the Inventory.

While doing the technology inventory I discovered a few things. First, I discovered that my classroom has and uses a LOT of technology, but it's not always the most prominent technology in the room. The teacher and students use the microphone system all of the time, and the C.D. player is used at least once a day. The elmo and the overhead projector are also used often. The most prominent piece of technology in the classroom, however, is the smartboard, which is conspicuously positioned at the very front and center of the room-I've seen the smart-board used in three lessons in the entire three weeks...on of those times was by a practicum student.

I've seen now, that maybe, just maybe, it's not so much about how much, but how you use it. I find that I can usually do the same thing with a projector screen adn a white board, that I've seen the teacher do with the smart board. However, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to use a smartboard to say, scour celestia, google earth tours, and other online resources if I can.


Monday, March 9, 2009

River Civilizations of the Ancient World!

Behold....the link of wonder!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Plan for Google Earth Tour

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1.Cairo, Egypt (with picture of ancient egyptians)
What are some possible changes the Nile might have gone through, both human-made and natural, since the early civilizations?
text here
2.Indus Valley (with picture of ancient inhabitants)
Look up a civilization that grew around this valley. What people live there now?
text here
Yangze River (Beijing)
Why do you think civilizations, like those in China, needed to be near water anciently? Why today?
text here
4.Bagdad, Iraq (with images of ancient sumerians)
There are two rivers here. What do you think would have been the benefits anciently? Today? Why, do you think, are these resources not making the people as wealthy as they were anciently.
text here
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:I would like to have images of people from the ancient cultures that originated near those bodies of water.

Content- Rivers that are the cradles of ancient civilizations.
Pedagogy- A google earth Tour can be used for independent learning. After going over all the material in other methods, I can have the students look at the google earth presentation in the school's computer lab. It's also a great way excite kids and get them interested in learning. Seeing the river's place in the whole world can give the kids a great way to get the whole picture too.
Technology- Google Earth Tours

3rd Grade
Standard 1 Objective 1

Monday, February 16, 2009

Heir Apparent Book Trailer

Let's see how this one does. It takes a wee while to load.

So I actually finished it in the car, with a web-cam microphone on the way to Las Vegas, so the sound could be better....but it does it's job.

Dude, I'm not even INTO fantasy...and while it's cheesy-tacular, I'm like...heh...I've decided that I'm gonna use photostory for a LOT round here. This was a dorky-awesome fun thing to make. :D

Just in case anyone has problems...I will put the link here too.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Digital Story TPACK

What is the Content I am using in this story?

I will be doing a book trailer of a recent read. The book is called Heir Apparent. I will use this, and hopefully this technology, to get students in my classes excited about reading a book-or even as an assessment for older students to make their own trailers after they've read the book. I will be using music from a royalty-free website and royalty-free images from

What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?

In accordance with the Utah Core, Standard 1 Objective 2, I will "Use a variety of formats (e.g., drama, sharing of books, personal writings, choral readings, informational reports) in presenting with various forms of media (e.g., pictures, posters, charts, ads, newspapers). "

What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?

I will be using digital pictures, digital sound, microphone and I will put it all together using Photostory.

Story Board image of my wait...give me second...ah HA! Here we go!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Science Lesson for Sixth Grade

Standard 3 Sixth Grade
Students will understand the relationship and attributes of objects in the solar system.

Objective 1 Describe and compare the components of the solar system.

1. Identify the planets in the solar system by name and relative location from the sun.
2. Using references, compare the physical properties of the planets (e.g., size, solid or gaseous).
3. Use models and graphs that accurately depict scale to compare the size and distance between objects in the solar system.
4. Describe the characteristics of comets, asteroids, and meteors.
5. Research and report on the use of manmade satellites orbiting Earth and various planets.

I am so glad that I have an opportunity to write this for this newsletter this week, as a blooming Tech Savvy Teacher. It is incredible that, we as educators in this momentous time have so much technology at our disposal. We don't really have any previous generation to look back to for advice or opinion. Our lessons and how we use technology are entirely our own.
I am sorry for the delay. I thought I saved my work, but apparently quite a few things didn't make it online at first.

For my lesson, which focuses on the sixth grade objective listed above, I will be using the wonderful resource Celestia-which is something like Google Earth but for THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

Celestia is easily downloaded here and only takes a few minutes to download on most computers today.

Once you open Celestia up, it should begin at the sun and take you directly to earth. The starter page should look a little something like this.

Since, I believe that all learning is proceeded by interest and that children are, at heart, dramatic learners, and that all learning is proceeded with interest, I would suggest displaying this "adventure through space" on a large projection in the front of the classroom.

Now, navigating Celestia is not very tricky, and can mostly be done using only the keyboard. All the help you need is found simply by clicking the "Help" button up at the top of the Celestia screen.

Under "Controls" is a brief synopsis of ways you can manipulate the screen using your mouse, keyboard and/or joystick. It's a good idea to explore and practice a few times before showing it to the class.

I would open up the class by playing the "demo" under the "Help" menu first. This Demo sends the class whirling across the University, looking at planets, far off stars and even a long distance shot of the Milkyway galaxy. Next explain to the students that we will be exploring the solar system as a class one planet at a time.

For the first activity, I would first do a quick run through of the eight planets, starting with mercury and heading out further from the Sun until reaching Neptune.

Once you run through all the planets, you may choose to run through them at random ( not difficult once you master the controls) and have students guess whether the planet is "rocky" or "gaseous" and why. (Hint: Planets furthest from the sun are more gaseous because they have less gravity working on them.) Have the students note how the gaseous planets are much larger ( check the radius reading on the top left hand of the screen-along with the distance from the sun) since they are not so densely packed.

You may ask children if there is anything they would like to see, like Haley's comet, or even the Hubble Satellite. You may take the time to explain the nature of satellites and other man-made things in space.

Finally, have the students 'help' you make a short film of their favorite planets. Under "File" there should be the option of making a video. The controls are easy, and you can make, and pause a short planetary exploration for the whole class to watch at the end of class. If it is short enough, you can even post it on the class blog for their parents and siblings to watch at home.

Feel free to use Celestia for other studies, like Orbits ( press "O" to see all the orbital paths of the planets and comets in space), Moon phases, and constellations. The possibilities are endless! Enjoy!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wealth of Technology

The new technology I am going to focus on right now is Celestia...the great NASA solar system explorer. It is quick and relatively easy to explore the solar system...and it is entertaining enough to keep a classroom occupied. It lists plenty of information about each planet and even takes the appropriate amount of "time" to "travel" form planet to planet (much longer to get to Uranus than the moon). I am really excited for this one and I would love to use it in my classrooms. I hope to use lots of science in my elementary school classroom, and the planets are probably among my favorites. To have such an easily accessible tool is fantastic!


From what I understand about TPACK, it is the most graceful marriage of three basic types of knowledge-Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Oriented Knowledge. In order to be an effective teacher we need to, not only develop our expertise in these three categories, but also use our creativity to combine them in different ways...the most prime being TPACK...or the mixture of all three.

Let's say, for a short example, that I know how to use the digital microscope. That would be TK. And let's say that I also knew that you can see onion plant cells through a microscope. That would be CK. Finally if I knew, from all my teaching courses that it is important to model the scientific process in front of children (PK) I might combine my knowledges together to make a TPACK lesson in which I use the digital microscope to model to the children how to look at plant cells. GENIUS!

Monday, January 19, 2009


So, hey guys! I am really excited about all this new stuff we are learning. I mean, I had no idea that RSS feeds even exsisted. This is very cool. I'm rapidly becoming a fan of Web 2.0. I don't really understand exactly what it is though. Is it a site I can just access for lots of materials. Ooooo. Let me look....oh...I see. Well, it appears from my various readings into the matter that Web 2.0 is the new, user friendly internet that is being born in our generation. FABULOUS! I am really starting to get into all these new little applications and i'm trying to figure out how I can use them for teaching.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Educational Television

This is the way school should be. Entertaining for both Students and Teachers.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


This is my professional blog for Elementary Education. Making it is a requirement for my IP&T 287 class.

I'm really very excited for this one. I really want to get good at teaching using technology. It is one area I don't really have much experience in, but one that I think is going to be the most important.

The gist of my previous technology experience has been....well first basically e-mail. Then, with the advent of facebook I got a little more curious. I have never really had any formal schooling in the ways of technology, but I've poked around and had enough word of mouth and experimentation to get to blogging stage of my Web 2.0 experience. I'm learning tons in this class though.